COVID-19 Update


We are doing our best to keep you updated as per Government decisions so please bear with us.

The Cosmetic Clinic is considered a close contact business.
We will be adhering to all government requirements which we are legally obligated
to do, in order to open our doors.

All clinics now open!

What is the Traffic Light framework – and what does this mean for your bookings?

Now that New Zealand is using the Traffic Light (COVID Protection) framework,
all clinics will be open at all levels.

We will be strictly following government mandates as a close contact business.

So, what does this mean for you?


Vaccination Certificates are not required

Masks are required

Physical distancing of 1 metre is required in reception areas

Further public health requirements will be in place at Red, as indicated by the government. We will adhere to any such requirements as and when they are announced.

For further information, please visit: COVID-19 Protection Information


Vaccination Certificates are not required

Masks are required

We will adhere to any requirements as and when they are announced by the government at any level.

For further information, please visit: COVID-19 Protection Information


Vaccination Certificates are not required

Masks are not required

We will adhere to any requirements as and when they are announced by the government at any level.

For further information, please visit: COVID-19 Protection Information

Health & Safety Protocols for COVID-19 

Please rest assured that we will be strictly adhering to strict Health & Safety guidelines and maintaining our own Hygiene and Safety Protocols to keep our teams and clients safe.

Social Distancing

Maintain a distance of 1 metre from other people while in the clinic, including other clients and staff (with the exception of the time during your treatments with our therapists).

Unfortunately, depending on the size of the waiting area in each clinic, this may mean that you need to wait outside the clinic.

Wearing Masks

Wearing masks is required at most levels and recommended at all levels. If your treatment requires you to take your mask off, your technician will be wearing a mask to reduce risk.

Please be prepared with your own mask. Be assured, our staff will be complying with the Government safety guidelines at all times.

Here are just some of the ways we ensure your safety during your time at our clinics:

  • Bedsheets and headrest covers replaced for every treatment
  • Hand-washing best practice implemented before and after every treatment and each time a staff member leaves and re-enters the clinic
  • Gloves and masks worn by every technician for every appointment
  • Clinics are fully sanitised multiple times throughout the day
  • Staff members are NOT able to work if they experience any flu or cold-like symptoms such as coughing, sneezing, runny nose, sore throat & fever
  • We allow additional time between appointments to allow for sanitising


Your treatments, as always, will continue to be performed in an environment that adheres to the highest standards of health and safety practices and is fully compliant with the New Zealand Government and Ministry of Health (MOH) guidelines.

Rebooking and Expiry Dates

We will be doing everything we can to ensure bookings missed due to the change in Alert Levels will be re-booked in a timely fashion. We will do our best to prioritise bookings based on dates and times booked.

Please be patient with us, as we have a large number of re-bookings to make. We apologise if we don’t answer your call as we may be busy on the other phone lines with other clients. Please leave a message and rest assured that we will call you back.

Given the potentially large volume of re-bookings, we do ask that you be flexible with your availability so that we can fit you in as early as possible.

All expiry dates of series already booked will be extended by 2 months.

If you have any further questions, please email or call your local clinic and please know we are looking forward to seeing all our lovely clients in clinic as soon as we can and as safely as we can! Stay safe!