
1 Sep 2019

Micro-Needling 101

A Collagen Booster for Your Skin! There are so many treatments available out there for enhancing the look and feel of your skin, so how do you know which one is right for you? At The Cosmetic Clinic we offer a range of skin treatments that all have their own unique benefits and specialise in… Read Full Article →

28 Aug 2019

Winter be gone! 6 Spring Skincare Tips

As the seasons change, so should our skincare. Transitioning from winter to spring means that it’s time to kick our winter skincare habits and welcome the rising temperatures with the appropriate product and treatment changes. So, we’ve pulled together six easy-to-follow skincare tips that will keep you glowing right through to summer!   Eat well… Read Full Article →

23 Aug 2019

How to minimise your dark circles

The Cosmetic Clinic understands how dilapidating dark circles around your eyes can be. But what actually causes them? Is there anything that can be done to get rid of them permanently? The answer to why we get dark circles is complex. From genetics to circadian rhythm to dehydration; there are several causes as to why it… Read Full Article →

13 Aug 2019

The secret to minimising pores

Open and enlarged pores are a concern experienced by men and women alike, with the two main causes being genetics and age. Ageing causes pores to become enlarged in appearance because as our skin elasticity reduces, the walls of the pore lose structure. This then causes our pores to appear larger and more obvious. While we may not… Read Full Article →

5 Aug 2019

3 easy travel skincare tips

It’s winter here, and summer somewhere else in the World… so now is a great time to learn some handy skin tips before jetsetters like you take on the skies to chase some vitamin-D.   It’s no secret that when we travel our skin can feel not-so-fresh. It is afterall, our armour, and it would… Read Full Article →

31 Jul 2019

The Benefits of LED Light Therapy

How many of us want healthy, radiant, glowing skin? The kind of skin that gets ‘wow’ comments. The kind of skin you just want to stare at in the mirror? The kind of skin that brightens up a room! Yes, thanks! Pick me! What if this gorgeously glowing skin could be yours? It can! At… Read Full Article →

30 Jun 2019

7 Things you NEED to know about Face Peels

Medi-aesthetic face peels, sometimes also called chemexfoliation or derma-peeling, are techniques that are used to improve the skin texture and tone. But don’t let the term ‘peel’ freak you out! Here are seven things you need to know about face peels…   How a face peel actually works Medi-aesthetic face peels involve the application of a chemical… Read Full Article →

17 Jun 2019

Ensuring your Laser Technician is qualified

An untrained laser technician is like an untrained driver, and there’s not many of us who would get in a car with an untrained driver! So why give an untrained laser hair removal technician access to your precious skin? Ensuring you receive treatment from a qualified laser technician, who has the highest level of formal… Read Full Article →

16 May 2019

Top Ten Winter Skin Tips

Taking care of your skin in the lead up to and during winter will mean a slightly different routine than the warmer months, especially in parts of New Zealand! While the north of the North Island maintains a little humidity and moisture in the air, the South Island especially tends to get cold and dry,… Read Full Article →

13 May 2019

Are you timing your laser hair removal correctly?

There are many myths about laser hair removal, including how often you will require treatment to reach and maintain those silky-smooth results. Timing your laser hair removal correctly is much more important than you might realise. At The Cosmetic Clinic, as a rule of thumb, to help permanently reduce your hair growth, you will need… Read Full Article →